Save speeding for the Internet!

Excessive speed and discourteous driving has been reported from homeowners on nearly every street in the community.  It is especially problematic on Thorncrest Dr., Rothchester Dr. and Lindridge Dr.  Sadly, in many instances, the offenders live here in the community and often times are not even aware of how fast they are traveling.

If speed is of particular concern on your street and a neighbor to neighbor approach proves ineffective, please visit  Scroll down to “Submit a New Service Request”. Type in keyword “speed”. Select “Speeding in a Residential Area (select time interval)”.  Complete the series of questions to follow. We recommend that you create an account. This will allow you to receive a service request number. Your information is confidential.

We all understand the sense of urgency to get home, to school, to work, etc.  Take a breath, and remember that the lives of the young children at play and the pets and neighbors out for a stroll are far more important than the seconds saved in travel.


Your Dues at Work

Please join your neighbors at the 2019 Village at Thornapple Annual Meeting.

DATE: Wednesday, February 6, 2019

TIME: 7:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Cypress Wesleyan Church, North Café

377 Alton-Darby Creek Rd.

*NOTE* Emergency meeting changes will be communicated through POSTS. 

©2025 Thornapple Association, Inc.