Alert: Playground Area Closed Sat (6/12) for 48 hours!!!

Attention Homeowners and Friends.  The company that provides maintenance to our playground equipment and surface will be doing some repair work on Saturday, June 12th, to fill some holes that are in the surface.  This process will take between 36-48 hours to properly cure.  All areas of the park, outside of the playground equipment and safety surface will still be open for use.  Please help us let Pro-Techs people make these repairs properly by avoiding this area this weekend.  The area should be cleared by Monday am!!  And if you find yourself enjoying the park this weekend, please help us keep the foot traffic off this area.

Our apologies for the late notice but it is weather and availability dependent.

Thank you for your support and assistance.

VAT Board

Garage Sale Reminder!

It’s that time of year to clean out closets and get your garage organized.   The Community garage sales will be held on Friday, June 11th and Saturday, June 12th from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm for those that wish to participate.   The sandwich board signs will be at the entrances for advertising but please spread the word!

The Highlands will also be having their sales the same weekend.

©2024 Thornapple Association, Inc.

Community photographs provided courtesy of The Village at Thornapple resident Kim Graham.