Park Update – Please help maintain our property

Hello Homeowners,

Recently we have had a rash of graffiti and vandalism on the park equipment that we are aware of and know that many of you have noticed.  While removal efforts and cleaning is done by volunteers we need your help to prevent this from happening.  First – see something, say something.  Vandalism, of any kind, will be addressed and involvement of the authorities is necessary.  Second – most people using the park are residents and (per Columbus Police Dept) vandalism of this nature is often done by the 12-15 age group.  Please note that anyone under the age of 18 are to be supervised while at the park.

Additionally, we want to address the trash can at the park.  This is provided for the benefit of the members but not intended to be a waste receptacle for pet waste, which is the majority of its contents.  This receptacle is maintained and emptied by volunteers – we do not pay anyone for trash removal – therefore, we need your help.  We love your pets, but please discard your pet waste in your trash can at home.

We are always looking for volunteers to help maintain the Association Property too!

Both of these items, when managed properly, help us to keep the annual membership dues low – one of the lowest in the area.

Thank you for your support, assistance, and participation in keeping our community beautiful.

The VAT Board

©2025 Thornapple Association, Inc.