Notice of Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the Village at Thornapple Homeowners’ Association will be held Sunday, February 6th 2022 from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm.  Please note the new location for the meeting this year- Columbus Public Library, Lincoln Village Shopping Center, 4740 W. Broad St, Columbus OH 43228.

The primary purpose of the meeting is to elect Board members.  If you are interested in becoming a Board member for 2022, please complete the application on the website and submit it no later than January 15th, 2022.

Vehicle break-ins in VAT

There have been several vehicle break-ins this week in the community.  Please lock your vehicles and avoid keeping valuables in them.  Police reports have been made for some of the current incidents.  Please make a report if any of your vehicles have been targeted and let’s try and keep an eye out to keep our neighborhood safe.

Coyotes spotted in the neighborhood

Coyotes have recently been spotted in a couple different areas of the neighborhood.  Most coyotes will avoid people and can be easily scared away with motion activated yard lights and/or loud noises. We’d like to make as many neighbors aware as possible in case you see them or tend to let your pets out unattended.

Visit With Santa Canceled For 2021

Due to ongoing health concerns around COVID, we feel the responsible approach for Santa visiting with families was to cancel the event for 2021. We look forward to resuming this Thornapple tradition next year!

We wish everyone a safe, happy holiday season and a Happy New Year!

VAT Board 2021

©2025 Thornapple Association, Inc.