A reminder that the VAT annual meeting has been scheduled. All homeowners are encouraged to attend.
Details for this meeting were included in the annual assessment packet and can be found below as well.
Date: Sunday, February 4, 2024
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Location: Southwest Area Library at Westland – 4740 W Broad St
The primary purpose of this meeting is the election of Board members.
Join the Board – Be a new member on the Board! A full HOA board consists of seven members with seats split into even and odd years. Due to seat terms, four members have just completed their two year term and those positions will be open for new members. One member of the odd year group will be moving, which results in a total of five available board positions. This means we can have up to five new faces on the board in 2024 – and one of them could be yours!
Serving on the board is a great way to learn about our community and get to know your neighbors. All knowledge is welcome but in particular, experience with finance, accounting, or maintenance would be very helpful in serving our neighborhood. Want to learn more about the time commitment and responsibilities before volunteering? Send an email with your contact information to Board@
We look forward to seeing everyone.
Dear Board Members:
I regret that I was unable to attend the Annual Meeting this year on February 4th.
Last year, there was some discussion at the Annual Meeting with regard to the deterioration of pavement on some of the streets within our community. Since then, the streets have worsened.
In that I was unable to attend this years meeting, I do not know if this subject came up again. I recall that I was not alone in my concern on this matter at last years meeting.
I would like to suggest that the Board consider a mailing of a letter of explanation along with a “Petition Form” to all Thornapple residences concerning the ongoing deterioation of our streets, especially the through streets of Thorncrest Dr. and Aldengate Dr. The mailing might also contain a “simple form” that would be signed by the resident showing their support for the City of Columbus to correct the problem.
After signing the “petition letter” it could be dropped off at a collection box or forwarded to the proper authority in the City of Columbus.
I know that mailing such a letter to each residence is expensive. However, I feel that it should be given consideration in order to keep value to homes within our “Village”.
If in the end, the budget does not allow for funding of postage for this project, I am volunteering to be “part of a team of people” who would hand deliver a form letter petition in an envelope to our residents. After signing, the letter might be dropped off by the resident at designated collection point(s) within our community. This would save money in the budget. We might also consider asking in the letter, that the form be mailed by the resident to a specific location such as we have done on other matters.
I know that my “vision” of the above matter may not be perfect. However, it could be a start for what I believe is a serious matter that would continued to keep value to our community.
If I can be of any further assistance on this matter, with the exception of me going door to door, please feel free to contact me. There may be a better way of doing what I am suggesting, but I feel it is of importance to keep our home values high.
Best regards,
Mike Reeves
722 Aldengate Dr.
Galloway, Ohio 43119
phone: 614 296-6998