2024 Annual Meeting Reminder

A reminder that the VAT annual meeting has been scheduled. All homeowners are encouraged to attend.

Details for this meeting were included in the annual assessment packet and can be found below as well.

Date: Sunday, February 4, 2024
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Location: Southwest Area Library at Westland – 4740 W Broad St

The primary purpose of this meeting is the election of Board members.

Join the Board – Be a new member on the Board! A full HOA board consists of seven members with seats split into even and odd years. Due to seat terms, four members have just completed their two year term and those positions will be open for new members. One member of the odd year group will be moving, which results in a total of five available board positions. This means we can have up to five new faces on the board in 2024 – and one of them could be yours! 

Serving on the board is a great way to learn about our community and get to know your neighbors. All knowledge is welcome but in particular, experience with finance, accounting, or maintenance would be very helpful in serving our neighborhood. Want to learn more about the time commitment and responsibilities before volunteering? Send an email with your contact information to Board@thornappleassociation.org for more information.

We look forward to seeing everyone.

Winter Weather & Snow Removal

Hi neighbors,

Our first accumulating snow of 2024 is in the forecast so while the kids are dreaming of snow days, sled rides, and snowmen…for the rest of us it is time for a refresher about VAT snow removal.

Snow removal – City and private trucks will once again be out cleaning our roadways when snow is projected. To keep our neighborhood as safe as we can we need your help. We encourage everyone to observe the following guidelines at all times but most especially when snowfall of 3″ or greater is expected in our area.

    1. Park vehicles in garages or driveways
      Fewer vehicles impeding plows and salt trucks will ensure better snow removal. When possible keep vehicles off roadways until after plows come through. This is especially important for residents in our courts and cul-de-sacs where extra vehicles can create impassable lanes for these large trucks.
    2. Remove any debris from storm drains
      Water runoff and snow melt that cannot drain will refreeze along roadways and crosswalks creating more hazards for residents. When conditions allow, please check storm drains on your property to ensure they are clear and allowing runoff to freely access drains.
    3. Slow down and add time to your commute
      Several bus stops in our community are near tight intersections where children may be waiting for busses. Please take your time navigating slick or snow covered streets especially in the morning hours.

We understand that not everyone will be able to do all of these items, but the more members of the community that participate, the safer our streets will be.

Stay safe everyone!

Dues, Volunteering, and Annual Meeting

Happy New Year VAT neighbors!

A few reminders and announcements as 2024 gets underway for everyone:

Dues – In 2022 our annual assessment (i.e. dues) deadline changed to January 31st to give homeowners a bit more time for payment after the busy holiday season as well as cleanly align neighborhood income and expenses in the same calendar year.

If you would like to pay online using a debit or credit card (MC/V): You will need to email our property manager (information below) for a link to pay – some additional fees will apply as well. Payment cannot be made via the community website.

If paying via check, money order, or bank check payment can be made to: The Thornapple Association Inc

Total: $315

Mailing Address: 
The Thornapple Association
c/o VB Business Service
1209 Hill Rd N., #150
Pickerington, OH 43147

Payment due date: January 31st, 2024

Annual dues are subject to the Village at Thornapple Homeowners’ Association collection policy. Please note if you have a past-due balance on your account, you must include the entire balance due to be considered current on your annual assessment. Payments received will be applied to the oldest assessments on the property.

Further questions? Please email our property manager, Vida Burns, at [email protected] or call her at 614 402 5039.

Volunteers needed in 2024 – What makes our community great? You! In 2024 we would love to see more members of our community take an active role in its governance, care and social events. We have 275 homes in our community allowing everyone the opportunity to volunteer and serve on the board or assist with social or caretaking events. Since 2020 less than 5% of homeowners have volunteered in some capacity within our community. Over 20% of homeowners in VAT moved here since 2018 and we want you to get involved. So, how can you participate?

Join the Board – Be a new member on the Board! A full HOA board consists of seven members with seats split into even and odd years. Due to seat terms, four members have just completed their two year term and those positions will be open for new members. One member of the odd year group will be moving, which results in a total of five available board positions. This means we can have up to five new faces on the board in 2024 – and one of them could be yours! 

Serving on the board is a great way to learn about our community and get to know your neighbors. All knowledge is welcome but in particular, experience with finance, accounting, or maintenance would be very helpful in serving our neighborhood. Want to learn more about the time commitment and responsibilities before volunteering? Send an email with your contact information to Board@thornappleassociation.org for more information.

Board seats are voted upon at the annual meeting so anyone with interest is encouraged to attend the meeting to submit their application or learn more. 

Other ways to volunteer – Within VAT we often have several odd jobs that extra hands could help complete. Examples include: cleaning graffiti from park equipment, changing light bulbs, removing trash from the park and community fence, or helping prepare or clean-up social events like the Easter egg hunt or National Night Out. Volunteering to assist with these items helps keep our dues down and foster a better community for everyone. Worried about the time commitment? Don’t be! Most volunteer needs are less than an hour. Plus, the more volunteers we have, the faster the work gets done.

Annual Meeting – Finally, as a reminder our annual association meeting is scheduled for Sunday February 4th at 2PM. The meeting will be at the Southwest Public Library at Westland (4740 W. Broad St). We look forward to seeing you there.

Wishing everyone a safe and warm week and all the best in 2024!

©2025 Thornapple Association, Inc.