With the closure of restaurants, food trucks have rolled in to fill the void. For your convenience, DOS HERMANOS will be in our neighborhood for anyone wishing to place an order.
DATE: Sunday, April 5th
TIME: 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
PLACE: Community Park, curb side
Ordering instructions: Click to view the Dos Hermanos Menu.
Order and pay online using the app streetfoodfinder.
You may begin placing your order at 3:00 PM and they will have it ready for pickup at a designated time.
You may also just walk up to the truck and order using credit card only.
Please remember that the community park is CLOSED. Please do not gather there in groups and remember to always maintain the minimum 6′ social distance guideline.
If you have any questions, please contact Leeanna at (419) 621-6606 or email
[email protected]