Street Tree Pruning and Removal

The recent pruning and tree removal of City street trees is as a result of the HOA’s ongoing communication with the City, Department of Forestry.  The board maintains ongoing communication regarding the condition of trees and sidewalks throughout the community.  If you want to know about the replacement of a removed tree or to report issues regarding City matters, please contact or  call (614)645-3111.

Why aren’t the HOA dues used to plow our streets?

The association has explored this topic from cost to legality.  The professional contractors who carry the required business insurance have quoted $12,000.00 per snow contract season whether it is used or not.  Alternatively, the cost is $1000.00 per occurrence.  From a legal standpoint, the association does not have the authority to provide services on City property and most professional companies are not willing to assume the liability.

As winter snow falls, please utilize the 311 Columbus request for service feature. Communities that file concerns about snow removal actually assist the City in identifying locations in need.  Please call 614-645-3111 or visit


Save speeding for the Internet!

Excessive speed and discourteous driving has been reported from homeowners on nearly every street in the community.  It is especially problematic on Thorncrest Dr., Rothchester Dr. and Lindridge Dr.  Sadly, in many instances, the offenders live here in the community and often times are not even aware of how fast they are traveling.

If speed is of particular concern on your street and a neighbor to neighbor approach proves ineffective, please visit  Scroll down to “Submit a New Service Request”. Type in keyword “speed”. Select “Speeding in a Residential Area (select time interval)”.  Complete the series of questions to follow. We recommend that you create an account. This will allow you to receive a service request number. Your information is confidential.

We all understand the sense of urgency to get home, to school, to work, etc.  Take a breath, and remember that the lives of the young children at play and the pets and neighbors out for a stroll are far more important than the seconds saved in travel.


The Power of One

Several Village homeowners have reported suspicious loiterers in and around the community park.  Some reports have included witnessing “exchanges” between vehicle occupants parked in front of the park.  If you observe any suspicious behavior, please gather as much information as possible: description of the individual(s), vehicle make, model, color, and license plate number.  Please do not approach the individual(s) or draw unnecessary attention to yourself.  Simply gather information and report it to one of the following Columbus Police Divisions:

  • Narcotics: 614-645-4616
  • General Patrol: 614-645-4545

Reports may be filed anonymously.

Also, with the increase in holiday deliveries, consider making arrangements with your neighbor to take in your deliveries.

City Resources at your Fingertips

The 311 City of Columbus Call Center is a very effective resource when it comes to addressing matters related to City property or services such as street lights, posts, signs, street trees, waste, recycling, yard waste collection, street sweeping, snow removal, etc.. Contact the City of Columbus at 614-645-3111 or visit

As we enter the frosty months of winter, please utilize the 311 Columbus request for service feature.  Communities that file  concerns about snow removal actually assist the City in identifying locations in need.

Tree Trimming

AEP will be in the community on Thursday, July 12 trimming trees along the community fence line.  Homeowners whose property abuts the community fence are asked to leave their gates unlocked in the event that AEP needs access to the trees.

©2025 Thornapple Association, Inc.