Vote for the VAT Home of the Holidays!

Have you noticed an especially charming holiday home in the neighborhood? Passed by a winter wonderland while walking the dog? Mention that address you’re loving in the comments below! Inspire your neighbors to take a look! Then vote for it! Voting will take place December 16-20. The grand-prize winner will be announced December 21! Everyone take a stroll or a drive through our winter-wonderful neighborhood anytime between December 16 and 20 to search for your favorite home. Make a note of the address YOU think should win best Home of the Holidays. Then you can cast your vote by paper in the ballot box at the front door of the gate house, or you can vote by email to [email protected]. One vote per household, please and thank you!

Beggars Night 2023

Halloween is almost upon us and we want our community Beggar’s night to be spooktacular!

Please take note of the following to keep all our community kiddos safe on Beggars Night.


Beggars Night – Tuesday, October 31st 6-8PM


  • Clear sidewalks – Ohio weather is always unpredictable and rain can often be part of a Beggars Night forecast. Please help keep sidewalks, ramps, and gutters/drains clear from fallen leaves to keep our walking paths safe.
  • Lights On (or off!) – Most families know a lit porch light often means homeowners are participating in Beggars Night. If you want a quiet evening, please keep your porch light off or place a note on your door indicating you are not participating.
  • Slow down – If you find yourself driving in the community between 6-8PM, please keep your speed down and watch for excited children who may be crossing the roadways.
  • Safety First – Make sure costumes are easy to walk and see in. Flashlights and reflective tape are useful too to ensure that people are easier to see at night.
  • VAT Social Committee  – Some VAT Social Committee members will be handing out information or have signs up on how to donate to our Social Committee fund. Please consider a donation to this group. These funds will help secure a Santa visit as well as help fund additional events like the Egg Hunt, food trucks, and National Night Out within our community.

Wishing everyone a happy Halloween!

Block Party TONIGHT 6 to 9!!!

Pack a picnic and join us at the VAT park tonight! The Columbus Police Department will be stopping by for National Night Out, so let’s give them a warm West Side welcome!

It’s a family-friendly event with Kona Ice, corn hole, and sweet beats by your favorite neighbors and musicians, DAN & PAUL ACOUSTIC!!!! Bring your chairs and blankets, and enjoy this night with your neighbors.

National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live.

Block Party 6 to 9 p.m. on Aug. 1!


It’s time for the Village at Thornapple annual block party to celebrate National Night Out at our neighborhood park!

It’s a family-friendly event with Kona Ice, games, and sweet beats by your favorite neighbors and musicians, DAN & PAUL ACOUSTIC!!!! More plans are in the works, so save the date and get your picnic blankets ready.

National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. This event is open to all members of the VAT community. This event will give everyone an opportunity to meet one another, learn more about each other, and learn more about your fantastic neighborhood.

Please note:  In the event of severe weather or lightning this event would be cancelled. A blog post will be created to update the event status.

2023 Community Garage Sale – Mark Your Calendar!

Everyone must have spring cleaning on their minds as we have had several inquiries for when our community garage sale is going to be happening. It’s great to see so many households eager to participate!

The dates for 2023 are going to be June 9th and 10th.

We hope to see some great community involvement and hope folks use this as an opportunity to get out and speak with neighbors and new faces within the community.

Don’t forget to mark your calendars.

Hop and Hunt With the Easter Bunny April 1

photo by gabe pierce

The Village at Thornapple Social Committee is hosting the annual Easter egg hunt at noon on Saturday, April 1 at our park!

Bring your kiddos aged 1 to 10 and your Easter baskets for fun and prizes. Hippity hop along with the Easter bunny and snap a fluffy photo!

This event is rain or shine, so bring your umbrellas just in case, and hop (or hope) for the best weather!

If anyone would like to donate candy, please contact Susan Wood at [email protected] to arrange drop off or pick up by March 23.

See you there! Hoppy Easter!

Home of the Holidays Winner

The votes are in! The VAT best Home of the Holidays is 6089 Broadwell Court, where Stephanie and Scott Krummel are making merry! Congratulations! They won a yard sign boasting their festive status and gift cards donated by your local JOANN store on West Broad Street, and your neighbors, The Vidosh Family. Thank you to everyone who let their spirits and lights shine this year! Our neighborhood sparkles because you’re in it!

Vote for the VAT Home of the Holidays!

Have you noticed an especially charming holiday home in the neighborhood? Passed by a winter wonderland while walking the dog? Mention that address you’re loving in the comments below! Inspire your neighbors to take a look! Then vote for it! Voting will take place December 17-21. The grand-prize winner will be announced December 22! Everyone take a stroll or a drive through our winter-wonderful neighborhood anytime between December 17 and 21 to search for your favorite home. Make a note of the address YOU think should win best Home of the Holidays. Then you can cast your vote by paper in the ballot box at the front door of the gate house, or you can vote by email to [email protected]. One vote per household, please and thank you!

Fall Update – Beggar’s Night/Trick or Treat & Reminders

Hello Neighbors,

Well just as quickly as October arrived it is almost November! A few reminders as we progress into fall and the temperature (and leaves) drop.

Beggars Night/Trick or Treat
Our community follows the city of Columbus date/time set by the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission. This year Beggars Night/Trick or Treat will fall on Monday, October 31st from 6-8PM. 

Please use caution while driving through our community and watch out for ghosts, princesses, witches, Paw Patrol pups, and all the other fun costumed folks you may see!

Reminder: Neighbors with wheelchairs or strollers can struggle with passing around parked vehicles that block sidewalks.  Vehicles should be parked to not block sidewalks – please utilize on street parking when able.

(Side note: Many folks wonder why Columbus doesn’t always hand out candy on Halloween – check out this article for some local history.)

Reminder: Leaves

Our neighborhood has beautiful fall foliage – sadly it becomes a fall mess rather quickly. A few reminders when it comes to fall(ing) leaves:

  • The city of Columbus does not vacuum up leaves from the curb or clear any street gutters. Please take some time to remove leaves from sidewalks/street gutters. Wet leaves can create dangerously slick sidewalks and gutter drains get blocked not allowing water runoff from rain or ice melt to make it to sewers.


  • Please do not leave blown leaves in the street or blow them down the street to other homes. This creates additional work for homeowners who are already battling leaves of their own.


  • Don’t forget to check gutters and downspouts for leaves. Backups of leaves trap water and eventually ice in the colder months. This causes gutters to separate from homes and could cause blockages and backups in the sewer systems.

All leaves should be bagged and stored until the next scheduled recycling/yard waste pickup. Our community’s next recycling/yard waste pickup is Monday, October 31st.

Getting ready for the holidays

We know, we know – Thanksgiving isn’t even here yet and already we are looking ahead to Christmas. You know the holidays can get very busy! With that said…

We are hoping to have photos with Santa make a return this year – if anyone would like to volunteer to participate in our holiday event please email the Board ([email protected]) and put “ATTN: Social Committee”  in the subject with your name and contact information.  Also, if anyone has access to large thermoses (that can be used to keep beverages warm) – please let us know. The sooner we have volunteers/equipment the faster we can make plans and get this scheduled.

Finally, just a quick note to say that this year we are holding a “Christmas Vacation” Challenge to the VAT neighborhood!

Many of our neighbors already put on excellent holiday light displays and we know that those lights often start getting hung in the milder weather of November. This year the Board is hoping to get folks excited to channel their inner Clark Griswold and put up some truly excellent light displays. Neighbors could then vote on the household whose display they liked the best.

Currently we are trying to gauge interest for this event. Neighbors that wish to participate should let the Board know via email ([email protected]) and put “ATTN: Christmas Vacation Challenge” in the subject with their name and contact information. The board will need to know no later than December 1st if your household wishes to be included – displays would need to be up no later than December 16th. More details to come!

We hope this message finds everyone well and enjoying all that fall in Ohio has to offer. Wishing everyone a happy and safe Halloween!














©2025 Thornapple Association, Inc.