Garage Sale Reminder!

It’s that time of year to clean out closets and get your garage organized.   The Community garage sales will be held on Friday, June 11th and Saturday, June 12th from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm for those that wish to participate.   The sandwich board signs will be at the entrances for advertising but please spread the word!

The Highlands will also be having their sales the same weekend.

2021 VAT Community Garage Sale

It’s that time of year to clean out closets and get your garage organized.   The Community garage sales will be held on Friday, June 11th and Saturday, June 12th from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm for those that wish to participate.   The sandwich board signs will be at the entrances for advertising but please spread the word!

The Highlands will also be having their sales the same weekend.

Stay safe,

Social Committee

Village Easter Egg Hunt

The annual Easter egg hunt will be held at the community park on Saturday, March 27th at noon. This fun event is for children ages 1 – 10 who live in the Villages at Thornapple.   The Easter bunny will be there for picture taking!!!

Make sure you bring a basket or other container to use while gathering eggs.  Please wear your masks and practice social distancing for everyone’s health and safety!

In case there is rain on March 27th, the rain date for the Easter egg hunt is Saturday, April 3rd.


Community Park Play Equipment Renovation

Village neighbor,
Since the beginning, the Thornapple Association Board has been committed to maintaining the safest environment in which our children can play.  Each year the park equipment undergoes the National Playground Safety Inspection (NPSI).  The 5-12-year-old play unit has served the youth of this community for 25+ years.  However, the 2019 NPSI safety inspection revealed that critical components on the 5-12-year-old unit, the slides and three of the four decks, were reaching their end of life.

The Challenge: Replacement components with the exact configuration and footprint are no longer available and because of the way the unit was installed, removal would also involve the destruction of 45% of the safety surface.

At the 2019 annual meeting, the board presented this matter to the community and solicited input from homeowners.  Some homeowners advocated complete removal, while others were proponents of replacement.

After consulting with industry professionals and considering the sizeable expense of demolition, the decision was made to preserve the viable components and repurpose others with minimal damage to the safety surface.  The overhead climbing unit was preserved, and posts were repurposed to incorporate activity panels.  The activity panels offer fun to all ages especially parents and grandparents with young children.

So, join your children at the park for a game of “What to Wear”, “Weather Game”, “Matching Game”, “Store Front Play”, and “Tic-Tac-Toe”.  Remember, the greatest deterrent to park mischief is adult supervision.

Have fun and be safe!

The Thornapple Association, Inc.
Board of Directors

Spring Community Garage Sale – Cancelled

Although the county health department has just released COVID-19 guidelines for public events, we have decided to err on the side of caution and cancel the Spring Garage Sale which was scheduled for Friday, June 12  and Saturday, June 13.
We hope to announce a late Summer or Fall Garage Sale and will keep you posted.

If you elect to have your own garage sale, please refer to the health department guidelines.

Continue to stay healthy and safe!

The Social Committee

Stroll Up for a Roll Up!

With the closure of restaurants, food trucks have rolled in to fill the void. For your convenience, DOS HERMANOS will be  in our neighborhood for anyone wishing to place an order.

DATE: Sunday, April 5th
TIME: 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
PLACE: Community Park, curb side

Ordering instructionsClick to view the Dos Hermanos Menu.
Order and pay online using the app streetfoodfinder.
You may begin placing your order at 3:00 PM and they will have it ready for pickup at a designated time.

You may also just walk up to the truck and order using credit card only.

Please remember that the community park is CLOSED. Please do not gather there in groups and remember to always maintain the minimum 6′ social distance guideline.

If you have any questions, please contact Leeanna at (419) 621-6606 or email
[email protected]

2020 Village at Thornapple Community Garage Sale

With all of the extra time we are all enjoying at home, it’s a perfect time to clean out those jam packed closets and the cluttered garage.  Gather your stuff and join your neighbors in the community garage sale scheduled for:

June 12th (Friday) and 13th (Saturday) from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


©2025 Thornapple Association, Inc.