Mailbox Painting Starts June 10

Weather permitting, our mailboxes will be painted June 10-14!
Please prepare your site if you have any objects that might impede the ability to reach your post or properly apply the paint.
The visible quality and consistency of our mailboxes is often one of the many compliments we get on our community.

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Reminder – Village Easter Egg Hunt


The annual Easter egg hunt will be held at the community park on Saturday, March 30th at 1:00 PM, rain or shine. This fun community event is for children ages 1 – 10. We have heard that the Easter bunny will be there for picture taking!

This is a “blink and you missed it” event so please be sure to arrive as close to 1PM as possible. Our hunts usually last 15-20 minutes once all the kids get participating. However to know our “hunting limits” we need children to arrive on time.

All participants should bring a basket or other container to use while gathering eggs.  At the end of the hunt all the plastic eggs will be collected for use next year so please make sure to close and turn them in once they are emptied. 

We look forward to seeing everyone this weekend!
VAT Social Committee

VAT Home of the Holidays Winner!

The votes are in! The VAT Home of the Holidays is 6350 Turngate Lane, where The Tripletts are making merry! Congratulations! If you look closely, you can see the leg lamp featured prominently. Thank you to everyone who let their spirits and lights shine this year! Our neighborhood sparkles because you’re in it!

Reminder – 2024 Annual Assessment

REMINDER – Annual Dues
Several homeowners have reached out with concerns over not yet receiving their annual dues invoices. Per the changes from 2023 – the deadline to pay annual dues has moved to January 31, 2024. Invoices will be mailed in late December/early January.

Please note that the property manager’s address changed in 2023. Be sure your online bill pay address field reflects the information below:

VB Business Service
1209 Hill Rd. N. #150
Pickerington, OH 43147

VAT Turns 30 – Landscaping

The warm weather and sunny days bring lots of outdoor fun but also a lot of outdoor work. Specifically weed pulling, planting and pruning, lawn mowing and other lawn and landscape maintenance.

This week we are sharing information about the VAT landscaping requirements.

Many folks may not be aware but in our handbook are very specific instructions as related to the plantings required within front beds. These instructions go as far as indicating what size shrubs and other greenery are expected when landscaping changes are in the works.

Why are we so specific? Good question!

When our community was established the guidelines indicated by the developer established a certain look for our community. So much like our home colors, our landscaping is ruled by a similar set of expectations. With our community now being over 30 years old many homeowners find themselves with plants that have grown quite large and are no longer confined to their beds or are naturally starting to reach their end of life.

As these plants are replaced and in some cases new landscaping bed plans are being created it is worth noting the following requirements for all landscaping.

Landscape Requirements

This information can be found on Page 28 of the Handbook.

  1. Front elevation landscaping shall consist of a minimum of 9 mature foundational plantings of live trees or shrubs. These do NOT include annuals or perennials. A five gallon shrub would be our recommendation for a mature planting.
  2. The use of artificial plant material is prohibited.
  3. Trees or shrubs on the sides of the home, provided that they are fully visible from the central front elevation, may be counted towards the nine plantings.

Please also consider the timing of your plantings. If you are planning on removing in the spring but planting in the fall, you are not in compliance with the handbook. The only exception to this policy is with prior Board approval.

Landscape Maintenance

This information can be found on Page 28 of the Handbook.

  1. Homeowners are expected to maintain landscaping and lawn areas in an attractive appearance to enhance the home’s year-round curb appeal. It must be maintained free from insects, diseases, and weeds.
  2. Homeowner shall remove dead trees and plants within 30 days after 75% or more of the tree or plant appears dead.
  3. Mulch and/or ground cover shall be replenished routinely in order to provide a well-maintained appearance.

Please note that bulk mulch deliveries are expected to be removed within 30 days of the date of delivery.

We hope this information is useful as the cooler months approach and homeowners continue to update their exterior projects.

Block Party 6 to 9 p.m. on Aug. 1!


It’s time for the Village at Thornapple annual block party to celebrate National Night Out at our neighborhood park!

It’s a family-friendly event with Kona Ice, games, and sweet beats by your favorite neighbors and musicians, DAN & PAUL ACOUSTIC!!!! More plans are in the works, so save the date and get your picnic blankets ready.

National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. This event is open to all members of the VAT community. This event will give everyone an opportunity to meet one another, learn more about each other, and learn more about your fantastic neighborhood.

Please note:  In the event of severe weather or lightning this event would be cancelled. A blog post will be created to update the event status.

Info From Praire Township Community Center

Happy New Year!

We at the Prairie Township Community Center would like to wish you and your family a Happy New Year! We have plenty of exciting programs coming up that I’d love to highlight for you! We hope to see you at the Community Center in the new year!

Adult Programs

Valentine’s Woodland Wreath Workshop
Make your own Woodland Wreath for Valentine’s Day. All supplies included. Registration link below!
($27R | $32NR | Thursday, February 2nd, 6pm-8pm  | Ages 15+)

Adult Nutrition
Participants will learn the basics of nutrition and the importance of having a balanced diet. This course provides basic information on nutrition and wellness, tailored specifically to adults. Registration link below!
($44R | $55NR | Wednesdays, February 8th – March 1st 6:30pm-7:30pm  | Ages 18+)

We hope to see you at the Community Center soon! Happy New Year!

Vic Woodward

REMINDER – Annual Dues

Several homeowners have reached out regarding questions about their annual dues invoices. The letter sent to homeowners in November noted the increase to $315 annually and the the deadline to pay annual dues has moved to January 31, 2023. Invoices will be mailed in late December/early January. Also note that the property manager’s address has changed. Be sure to update your online bill pay address field with the below:

VB Business Service
1209 Hill Rd. N. #150
Pickerington, OH 43147

Feder Rd Update – 8/23-8/28

Further updates about the work on Feder Rd through the end of the week.

From Far West Side Area Commission – Columbus, Ohio Facebook Page –


As many residents noticed, Feder Road between Hilliard-Rome and the entrance to the BP station on Feder was not closed Sunday night as the signage and city indicated, and instead was closed last night (Aug. 22).

Here’s what I learned today from Nathan Welling, engineer with the Columbus Department of Public Service (via Rebecca Deeds, our liaison with the city’s Department of Neighborhoods):

“The closure slated for Sunday night was postponed to last night due to all the rain received which kept them from working on Sunday. There will be lane closures tonight with flaggers as well as some additional nights this week (although I’m not sure which additional nights this will be yet) but it won’t be full roadway closures.” The closure time is not expected to change. “As of now, the closure time is still slated to be 7pm-5am.

We will update you if/when we receive updates. If you’re traveling through the area, please note any closure updates on signs there, and expect some partial road closures for a while.

©2025 Thornapple Association, Inc.