It’s that time of year to clean out closets and get your garage organized. The Community garage sales will be held on Friday, June 11th and Saturday, June 12th from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm for those that wish to participate. The sandwich board signs will be at the entrances for advertising but please spread the word!
The Highlands will also be having their sales the same weekend.
Is there some reason we can’t advertise sale in paper? I’m sure there are many people that would like to come but don’t go by our signs! It is a lot of work to have a sale and the more people the better. I would think the HOA has the funds to do this!
Hello Sandra, thank you for your comment. Advertising would certainly be helpful and something the “new” Board can look into. Based upon the information that we are operating from today, the Association is governed on how association funds are spent. Meaning, our charter permits us to pay for professional services to maintain our assets, insurance taxes, etc. In the past it was determined that “social” spending was not permitted. That said, an entirely new Board has been seated in the past few months and it’s something we are trying to address. Always looking for members who are willing to participate in the operations of the Association – as it’s a volunteer basis!