Recently many members of our community have had questions regarding the utility markings being found throughout our community.
There have been several Ohio811 (“call before you dig”) requests for utility markings on different streets within our community. This is related to new fiber optic lines being installed throughout our area. This is not an HOA related project. This construction occurs in the public right-of-way, so the HOA is not notified or involved.
The public-right-of-way is a strip of land dedicated for use by the City, in addition to the roadway, that is usually between the roadway edge and the sidewalk or utility poles. Generally it is ~12′ from the edge of the roadway, depending on what part of the City you are located. The City of Columbus requires permission and approval through specific ROW permits for use of the City’s public ROW.
Typically the construction vendor marks their intended construction locations with white spray paint. Then the construction vendor notifies utility protection service to locate and mark underground utilities only near the planned construction. By law the construction vendor must notify Ohio Utility Protection Service, or OUPS/Ohio811, (excluding weekends and legal holidays) at least 48 hours but no more than 10 working days prior to their work starting.
Red: electric power lines, cables, conduit and lighting cables
Orange: telecommunication, alarm or signal lines, cables or conduit
Yellow: natural gas, oil, steam, petroleum or other flammable
Green: sewers and drain lines
Blue: potable drinking water
Purple: reclaimed water, irrigation and slurry lines
Pink: temporary survey markings, unknown/unidentified facilities
We encourage homeowners with concerns about their property and how this work may affect them to contact OUPS, they may be able to assist in identifying the party who requesting the markings. You can also look up permit applications with the City of Columbus at:
We hope this information helps homeowners find out more about how this construction may be affecting their property.
I love how they are digging down the middle of Aldengate Dr yards .